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Lorena Smalley


Are you nostalgic, creative, and enjoy working as part of a small team?   Do you enjoy telling a story through narration and images?   We need your help.  

We are looking for Historians to help bring Seba Seniors history to life.  



We have three phases of our history that we want to record, preserve, and feature on our new website and Facebook page.  

  1. Seba Seniors 40th Anniversary. History from the beginning of Seba Seniors all the way up to our 40th Anniversary.  We have a number of pictures and narration on story boards that we want to digitize and share.   
  2. Recent History: For the 8 years since our 40th Anniversary, we want to merge recent historic pictures along with short narrative to continue the historic journey to current time.  
  3. Capturing our future history. As we go forward there is an opportunity to capture and document history in the making.   This phase is focused on bringing together images from future events along with narration capture and tell the story of our future historic events.


In working with others and being part of a historical sub-committee, you will be part of a team identifying what can be done to achieve the above three phases.    Let your creative story telling flourish, as you help develop vignettes of our history.

As a Historian, you will be provided with existing storyboards, pictures and narrative (for history up to the 40th anniversary).     For the last 8 year of history, you will be provided with pictures of recent historic events, and access to those that have knowledge to capture.

For ongoing history, the future is yours to tell.    Help capture both pictures and the story as it happens, creating a journal of our history for all to see.

 Developed content could be in the form of montage, simple vignettes with a few pictures and narrative, or video log with narration.    


  • The time commitment will adjust to your schedule, and that of the team members.  Having a few people to work on this together will share the workload, and get those creative juices flowing.   
  • There are no set deadlines, but having a couple of small updates each month for new website content would be appreciated.  We hope your passion for telling a story will help make this a success. 


  • Creative thinking
  • Effective writing and communication skills.
  • Computer and photography knowledge
  • Knowledge of computer software used to capture images and narrative
  • Experience in creating short videos, slide shows, etc are beneficial


If you think you can help making our past a living history, or if you have any questions, and would like more information about volunteering for this position, please send an email to:  admin@sebaseniors.ca with Historian in the subject line.

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Volunteer Application

  • Our Volunteer Coordinator will contact you about your selected positions.