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Lorena Smalley

Our Quilt Group Wind Up & Trip To Edmonton!

What a celebration of a great season!  Our Seba Beach Quilters got together on June 19 to create some pretty awesome teddy bears led by Doris Kent! Thank you Doris for the wonderful idea! Some of us had never sewn a teddy bear and I think we did a fabulous job. After all our sewing was done, we had an awesome end of the season potluck luncheon. 

Quilt Canada’s Juried show

And that’s not all. Our quilting group went on a trip of the decade! Quilters dream of seeing the best of Canada’s quilts and so 13 members decided to do just that. We booked the Seniors Shuttle and headed to Edmonton to attend Quilt Canada’s Juried show at the Shaw Conference Centre.   

Seba Seniors Quilting Group

Seba Quilters Arriving At The Show







We all felt really fortunate to view the best of Canada’s quilts and to shop at top vendors from Western Canada and the United States. To end our day of bliss, we all had lunch together and talked endlessly about the displays we saw and of course we showed off our purchases.  

Admiring the quilts on display

National Juried Show Winners








Sharing each others finds at the show

The group got together for lunch at the show


Seba’s Quilters tried out Parkland County’s new Seniors Shuttle by renting the bus for the day.  By doing this, we didn’t have to worry about rush hour traffic, parking in downtown Edmonton, and having to walk blocks to the Shaw Conference Centre.  We were dropped off and picked up at the front door after a full day of viewing prized quilts, checking out local and regional quilting challenges and projects, shopping endless vender fabrics, notions, and latest technology.  Our bus driver, Keith Harding, was friendly and helpful and solicitous of all our needs.  We arrived back at Seba by 6:30pm  – exhausted but very happy.

Waiting for the bus ride home







At the end of August our quilting group will be using the last few warm days to try a Shibori Indigo dyeing project.  On Wednesday August 21, we will practice Shibori fabric folding and then on Wednesday August 28 we will dye our folded fabrics using Indigo dye. More details to come in a future newsletter.

After the summer break, our new season begins where we’ll meet on the first Wednesday of every month from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.(ish).  Some special projects we’ve talk about doing: makingTeddy Bears, and mittens from old, shrunken and felted wool sweaters. We have also set a date for a 3-day retreat October 25 – 27. We will followup with all the details in upcoming newsletter. Make sure you are signed up to get our newsletters so you don’t miss out!

Anyone of any age and ability is welcome to join our Seba Seniors quilting group on a weekly basis or for the special projects!  Email Lynn Douglas at lynn.douglas@telusplanet.net for more information. You don’t have to be a Seba Seniors member to join in.

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