Who Are We Supporting?
Did you know that Seba Seniors is a big-time supporter of community efforts throughout Parkland County? This summer, for example, our Benefit Concert raised over $1100.00 in cash and sent a van full of food to the WEE Food Bank! Our concert, by the way, was top-notch music entertainment offered to the larger community. Next month, our Bridge Group is hosting its annual “Bridge -on-the-Beach” fundraiser in support of Seba Beach Museum. People from as far as Edmonton come to this event each year. Quietly in the background, our awesome team of volunteers from our Thrift Shop recycles Seba Beach’s donated treasures for all of us to enjoy and offers quality household goods and furniture at affordable prices. Sales from our Thrift Shop supports the Seba Seniors activities and facility – bit by bit!
Speaking of support, our annual AGM is August 22, 7:00 pm, and the Board needs your support. Members are asked to come to the meeting, vote for your new Board, and give your feedback about the business led by your elected members.
Now, let’s get out there and support our Regatta! Have fun everyone!
Cathie Duchesne
Board President
Seba Seniors