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Lorena Smalley


Looking Ahead !

While everyone is enjoying the long-awaited hot weather and visits from family and friends, your Seba Seniors Board and our dedicated volunteers are quietly preparing for the next season. They’re organizing programs and events that our members and community want and need. Please take a moment to consider participating in these activities.

Let us know what interests you, and watch for announcements about registration for classes, workshops, and events. Your attendance at our Seba Seniors AGM on Thursday, August 22 at 7:00 p.m. is a great opportunity to share your thoughts about what’s happening. After all, this is your organization, and we’d love to hear from you about how we’re doing.

We have two key positions vacant on the board: Secretary and Facilities Manager. We know there are talented people out there, and we can’t do our work without these roles. Please consider joining our board or supporting us by attending the AGM.

Cathie Duchesne
Board President
Seba Seniors


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